“Machine Learning and Data Analysis” is a brand-new course offered to Machine Learning Master program students at High School of Economics. The course goal is to make students familiar with how various disciplines are applied on practice, to show them common issues and possible solutions to them, etc. The course is comprised from lectures held by specialists in the field who share their knowledge and experience with the students. One of our colleagues – Georgy Sarapulov, Machine learning specialist, – held a lecture for HSE students titled “Reinforcement learning for Full path coverage of dynamic environment”.

To learn more about the subject, you can read the article “Coverage Path Planning with Proximal Policy Optimization in a Grid-based Environment“, which our lecture was based on. The article was co-created by BrainGarden and LG.

Faculty “Saint Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science” is one of the youngest faculties of HSE. Learn more about it here: https://spb.hse.ru/fmcs/.